Friday, July 24, 2015

More animal books from the library and Fair time!

The kids picked out more animal books from the library and then the next day we headed to the State Fair.  They rode the rides, had lots of snacks. got their faces painted (they both chose ice cream cones....without even knowing what the other had chosen).  They also petted some cows in the cow barn and then freaked out over all the bunnies in the bunny barn.  Later on we went swimming at the hotel which they also loved.  It was a great, busy day of family fun!

Monday, July 20, 2015

What we did today

More fun was had this week.  Grandpa took us all out for dinner.  We went to the downtown urban harvest and Bobby spotted a butterfly which we watched for quite a while before I told Emmy she could try to touch it (which she did) and then it flew away.  We've been reading library books that we got last month and they are all about different insects, animals, reptiles, etc.  Today we went to the science museum and the kids got to spend some time with an reptile they've read about - Bearded dragon.  Emmy and Bobby both got to touch him.  I had told them that if they wanted to pet him they would have to ask themselves and Emmy grabbed Bobby's hand and together they went to talk to the volunteer.  In unison they asked, "Can we pet the bearded dragon?"  They learned all about Scout the dragon and were very interested.  Later on Emmy asked to go to the CVB where they pretended to be riverboat captains.  I was tucking Bobby in tonight and he mentioned how I take care of him so I asked him if he would take good care of me when I am a granny.  He thought about this seriously and and answered, "Yes, I will....but don't be wandering off"  He said this while shaking his little finger at me and it made me bust out laughing.  Such a funny little boy.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer lovin

We had more friends over this past weekend.  The Lindells, Jahners and Eckerts had a great time swimming.  Robb is also teaching the kids to be expert swimmers.  They even each caught one fish entirely on their own!  They were very excited even if they had to throw the fish back again.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Movies with my kiddos

This week has been full of fun.  Emmy was out at the ranch so Bobby and I went to Orange Leaf and then went bowling.  He likes to say that Team Eckert won the game.....and he is correct in saying that.  We had a great time.  He likes to have Daddy transcribe for him and write what he directs him to put onto paper.  Yesterday we went to the Minions movie and afterward the kids wanted some photo ops.  We are so blessed to get this time together and that is what I pray every night.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

T-ball, fishing and cuddly buddies

Emmy played catcher the other day at T ball and did a great job.  The kids went fishing with their dad and Bobby caught the only fish.  Early morning or late at night (depending on your point of view) I often get woken up by a panting little boy who has sprinted up the stairs to cuddle with his mom.  It is impossible to turn him down even though he insists on sharing (hogging) my pillow.  He sleeps almost on top of me and breathes very loudly right in my ear and yet I don't move him (well, one time I tried and he woke up and told me he just wanted to be really close to me because he loves me).  I mostly just lay awake and think about how these times are not going to last forever because my baby is growing up and I need to enjoy every moment of these special cuddle time late night sessions.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Special times this summer

I asked Emmy what she wanted to do this past week when she and I had special time together and she chose to go to the dollar store and then the pet store.  She had a hard time choosing the prize I would get her but finally chose a set of plastic costume jewelry.  Then we went to what may be her favorite place - PetSmart.  She looked at fish, kitties, lizards, snakes and asked three people if she could pet their dogs.  They obliged but I felt very nervous when she asked to pet a pitbull.  She just loves all animals and they seem to love her as well.  Meanwhile Bobby was out at the ranch working with Grandpa.  They did all kinds of farming activities and Bobby had a great time.  When he returned home he told me he had missed me a lot and that Grandpa took good care of him but did not brush his teeth or bathe him over the past two days.  I told him I was so happy he was back and that my job was to keep him healthy now that he was home.  He also told me that he missed me SO much and that when he was at the ranch and missed me at night he would go look at the picture of me in the photo album and think, "My mom is so beautiful!"  I definitely have a sweet, sweet boy. 

We had Bobby's good friend from school - Thomas - and his family (parents and Nora his little sister).  Thomas's dad is the head coach for the U Mary football team and his mom and I hit it off at the color race so we thought they would be fun to hang out with.  We also invited Emmy's friend from school and T ball Reagan and they had such a great time.  It was a fabulous day with friends and family, we are so blessed to have a pool, good weather, health and memories.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Fun


This past weekend we had a wedding and a party to go to on 4th of July.  The kids were all dressed up to go to Daren and Carly LaBere's wedding.  I got some extra hugs and kisses from my Bobby.  It was near 90 degrees and humid so we didn't stay much longer after the "I do"s.  Later on we went to the Lovdal 4th party where Emmy mostly played with the kitty and Bobby played with cousin Gabe. My favorite part of the night though was eating popcorn and watching fireworks while cuddling together on the deck.  Later in the week we enjoyed some sno cones and went to the amusement park.  Bobby and Emmy climbed the rock wall.  It was Bobby's first time and he worked SO hard to get to the top.  He fell several times and slipped just as many but he had this look of determination and he just kept trying and trying.  I was super proud of him.  Emmy made it up twice in record time and I made sure to cheer her on just as much but little 4 year old Bobby had a small crowd of surprised adults that couldn't believe that little guy had such strength and focus.