Monday, July 20, 2015

What we did today

More fun was had this week.  Grandpa took us all out for dinner.  We went to the downtown urban harvest and Bobby spotted a butterfly which we watched for quite a while before I told Emmy she could try to touch it (which she did) and then it flew away.  We've been reading library books that we got last month and they are all about different insects, animals, reptiles, etc.  Today we went to the science museum and the kids got to spend some time with an reptile they've read about - Bearded dragon.  Emmy and Bobby both got to touch him.  I had told them that if they wanted to pet him they would have to ask themselves and Emmy grabbed Bobby's hand and together they went to talk to the volunteer.  In unison they asked, "Can we pet the bearded dragon?"  They learned all about Scout the dragon and were very interested.  Later on Emmy asked to go to the CVB where they pretended to be riverboat captains.  I was tucking Bobby in tonight and he mentioned how I take care of him so I asked him if he would take good care of me when I am a granny.  He thought about this seriously and and answered, "Yes, I will....but don't be wandering off"  He said this while shaking his little finger at me and it made me bust out laughing.  Such a funny little boy.

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