Saturday, July 11, 2015

Special times this summer

I asked Emmy what she wanted to do this past week when she and I had special time together and she chose to go to the dollar store and then the pet store.  She had a hard time choosing the prize I would get her but finally chose a set of plastic costume jewelry.  Then we went to what may be her favorite place - PetSmart.  She looked at fish, kitties, lizards, snakes and asked three people if she could pet their dogs.  They obliged but I felt very nervous when she asked to pet a pitbull.  She just loves all animals and they seem to love her as well.  Meanwhile Bobby was out at the ranch working with Grandpa.  They did all kinds of farming activities and Bobby had a great time.  When he returned home he told me he had missed me a lot and that Grandpa took good care of him but did not brush his teeth or bathe him over the past two days.  I told him I was so happy he was back and that my job was to keep him healthy now that he was home.  He also told me that he missed me SO much and that when he was at the ranch and missed me at night he would go look at the picture of me in the photo album and think, "My mom is so beautiful!"  I definitely have a sweet, sweet boy. 

We had Bobby's good friend from school - Thomas - and his family (parents and Nora his little sister).  Thomas's dad is the head coach for the U Mary football team and his mom and I hit it off at the color race so we thought they would be fun to hang out with.  We also invited Emmy's friend from school and T ball Reagan and they had such a great time.  It was a fabulous day with friends and family, we are so blessed to have a pool, good weather, health and memories.

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