Tuesday, August 30, 2016

End of Summer, beginning of school

 We enjoyed the last week of our official summer before school started!  We went to a movie, bowling and the kids got haircuts! 

 The kids were SO ready for the first day of school.  They love their teachers - Mrs. Vollmers and Mrs. Love.  The first day Bobby ran off, met new friends and left me in his dust on the playground.  He definitely hit the ground running and never looked back!  He went from my baby to a big boy in a matter of minutes.  Bobby has already earned the Best Rester award at naptime (what?) and has made a couple new friends.  He loves school and has learned so much already.

 As is Emmy and my tradition the first day after school was celebrated at TCBY.  Bobby got to join us this year which made the fun even better.

 Daddy's team won 35 and over nationals!  The kids and I were there to cheer him on.  Later on we played a game of Pugopoly (not Monopoly) and Bobby tried so hard to buy properties his sister wanted and then give them to her.....he didn't care that buying her properties wouldn't help him win.  He just likes to see her be happy.  He is the SWEETEST boy and he is so good to his sister.
To celebrate the end of the summer we also checked off the last item (Slide the City) from our list.  Whew, what a busy, fun, amazing summer full of awesome memories!!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Muddy Puddles Fest

We went to the Muddy Puddles fest this past weekend and the kids were in messy heaven.  They were a little timid at first not really believing they were allowed to get in the mud and jello mess or paint with their whole bodies.....but they got the hang of it pretty quickly.  They started with the painting and soon were painting themselves.  Then Bobby went to get hosed off a bit before jumping into the mud puddle and proceeding to lose his shoes.  Emmy lost a shoe as well but we had planned to leave those shoes behind so no harm there.  Bobby started throwing the mud and managed to get poor Emmy in the face and mouth.  They got hosed off to get some of the mud off so they could proceed to have a jello fight.  Over an hour later they were ready to eat some hot dogs, pretzels and dry off.  It took a couple good showers to get all the dirt, jello, etc off of them but it was worth the work to get clean.  They had a blast!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Space Aliens games and Emmy models on ND Today!

 The kids wanted to go to Space Aliens this past week to play some games.  I played a couple games too and won 1000 tickets at one game and a few hundred more at some other games I played.  The kids were worried about who would get mom's tickets (never did they imagine that I would want to keep my tickets) but I had a plan for that.  We took all 3 cards we were playing on and I split the tickets in half between the two of them.  Bobby got the prize he has always wanted but never had enough tickets for and Emmy got Shopkins, a rainbow slinky and some other small items.  They were VERY excited!
 My friend Sarah Kotelnicki asked Emmy to model kids back to school fashions for Kirkwood mall on the ND Today show.  She was so excited.  I did her hair and put a little lip gloss on her.  She smiled and hit her marks on the show and was even part of a facebook live segment Sarah did before the show started.  She had many facebook fans and loved her modeling gig.  She also enjoyed seeing how the show worked behind the scenes today.  She gave Sarah a big hug and thank you without me asking her and also remembered that I had given up half of my work day to make her moment of fame happen.  She is a thoughtful, sweet girl who is beautiful inside and out.

Miss Outstanding Teen ND was also there and she sang and played guitar.  Emmy got a picture with her too.  So much fun to see my Emmy's personality come out and to see her look up to bigger girls.

Monday, August 8, 2016

2 pool parties, Capital A Fair, boat ride and TCBY

 We had more friends over at the pool this past week and had a great time.  18 kids!  That's a new record for us.
 Annual Capital A'fair again this year.  Kids chose pizza and sno cones like last year.  It was a nice day out and we enjoyed some time together.

 Bobby and Emmy each went down a big slide at the capital and then Emmy used more of her Florida money to buy Bobby a rock with an engraved cross and she bought herself one that said I Love You and was shiny and sparkly.  I thought it was so sweet she bought Bobby one :)
 More friends, more pool fun!

 The Moldenhauers bought a boat!  It is new and fun and we enjoyed our ride on the river.  Bobby fell asleep in my arms on the way back which I REALLY loved so much.  I wish he would cuddle into me forever.
 Before we left the river the kids found a way to get good and dirty in the mud. 

TCBY was left on our summer fun list and so we made a stop there today.  Bobby devoured his ice cream and was wearing it everywhere on his face (nose, cheeks, chin....)  Emmy slowly ate hers like the little princess she is.  Then we headed to the library to check out more books.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tats, vball camp at U Mary and ANOTHER tooth lost for Bobby!

 The other day we spent some time putting on tattoos.  The kids picked their own and I helped apply them.
 U Mary vball camp was this week.  Emmy had a great time and her serving, bumping and setting has really improved with the camps she has done this summer.  She has made a lot of new friends!
 We made cookies with blue frosting.  I let the kids frost and decorate a plate of cookies...it was a MESS.  They loved it though and the cookies tasted great.
Bobby found another wiggly tooth and proceeded to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle it.  In less than 24 hours that tooth was out.  I did help a little bit once it was hanging there but this is one tough little boy.  He is very proud of his gap.  He also learned how to bike without training wheels at bike camp this week.  He had a couple falls but got right back on and is very happy to be riding without training wheels.