Sunday, August 21, 2016

Muddy Puddles Fest

We went to the Muddy Puddles fest this past weekend and the kids were in messy heaven.  They were a little timid at first not really believing they were allowed to get in the mud and jello mess or paint with their whole bodies.....but they got the hang of it pretty quickly.  They started with the painting and soon were painting themselves.  Then Bobby went to get hosed off a bit before jumping into the mud puddle and proceeding to lose his shoes.  Emmy lost a shoe as well but we had planned to leave those shoes behind so no harm there.  Bobby started throwing the mud and managed to get poor Emmy in the face and mouth.  They got hosed off to get some of the mud off so they could proceed to have a jello fight.  Over an hour later they were ready to eat some hot dogs, pretzels and dry off.  It took a couple good showers to get all the dirt, jello, etc off of them but it was worth the work to get clean.  They had a blast!

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