Tuesday, August 30, 2016

End of Summer, beginning of school

 We enjoyed the last week of our official summer before school started!  We went to a movie, bowling and the kids got haircuts! 

 The kids were SO ready for the first day of school.  They love their teachers - Mrs. Vollmers and Mrs. Love.  The first day Bobby ran off, met new friends and left me in his dust on the playground.  He definitely hit the ground running and never looked back!  He went from my baby to a big boy in a matter of minutes.  Bobby has already earned the Best Rester award at naptime (what?) and has made a couple new friends.  He loves school and has learned so much already.

 As is Emmy and my tradition the first day after school was celebrated at TCBY.  Bobby got to join us this year which made the fun even better.

 Daddy's team won 35 and over nationals!  The kids and I were there to cheer him on.  Later on we played a game of Pugopoly (not Monopoly) and Bobby tried so hard to buy properties his sister wanted and then give them to her.....he didn't care that buying her properties wouldn't help him win.  He just likes to see her be happy.  He is the SWEETEST boy and he is so good to his sister.
To celebrate the end of the summer we also checked off the last item (Slide the City) from our list.  Whew, what a busy, fun, amazing summer full of awesome memories!!!!

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