Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fort Lincoln and lunch with kids

We had such a great time at the Fort Lincoln Little Monsters hike.  It was about 2 miles and the path had scare monsters and ghosts, zombies walking around.  The kids didn't seem scared at all but I was a little nervous they might get nightmares from the scary people who were dressed as zombies.  We also walked through a haunted house and played carnival games.  We went with Sara Kotelnicki and her kids and the Lundeen family which made the fun even better. We followed it up with Orange Leaf frozen yogurt too so the entire day was fun.  I also helped out in church with the pre-K group which I love doing.  I got invited to some sleepovers from a few little ones and also got some make believe dinners made for me while there.  It was fun to see how Bobby and Emmy interact with others.  Bobby found one of the scavenger event items and while he stood up front showing it off his proud big sister was yelling out, "Great job Bobby, way to go!!"  She gave him some congratulation hugs as well.  Then our children's ministry leader, Tina, dropped her book and papers and Bobby rushed to help her pick it up.  I was proud of his chivalry!

Monday I surprised the kids at school for lunch.  I had made them (and me) cold lunches for school and then snuck in behind Bobby.  I tapped him on the shoulder and asked if I could sit by him at lunch.  He was so excited and I got lots of hugs, kisses and he kept his arm around me all through lunchtime.  I spent 15 minutes with him (that's all the time they get to eat) and then Emmy came in behind us and heard my voice, "Mommy?!?" she said.  She couldn't believe I was there and waved at me from her spot across the lunchroom while I said goodbye to Bobby. I could see her telling her friends that I was her mom.  We sat together and because Emmy is such a chatterbox she hardly ate any lunch before she and I had to go.  I helped her look for her missing mitten (it was in her pocket) and her missing hat (in her backpack) before I sent her off to the playground.  Emmy told me later at home it was the best lunch she'd ever had because I was there.  I loved every minute of it.

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