Friday, April 7, 2017

Emmy turns 8!

Emmy had a party with all of our family.  We didn't invite friends this year but instead are planning to take her shopping while we are visiting our grandparents in Florida.  We played lots of fun games and Emmy had helped me pick out special prizes for everyone.

Emmy gave out lots of hugs for the fantastic gifts she got from her family.  She was very appropriately excited as you can see from the pics.

Grandma Candy and Grandpa Bob got us special necklaces that match and we have loved wearing them.  They have dolphins on them of course since that is Emmy's favorite animal and the theme of the party.

Yes, Dairy Queen can make Dolphin themed cakes.....and they did for our Emmy.  She had a fun party.

Robb took the kids out for donuts on Monday (Emmy's real birthday) to start the day off right.  Then part of what she wanted to do instead of a friend party was to buy gifts for each classmate.  Her teacher let her pass out stuffed dolphins to everyone and she even had some left over for little kids at daycare.  She loved doing this and her teacher was so impressed with her giving heart.

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