Monday, April 24, 2017

Florida Fun!

 The kids had a great time dressing up for school.  Emmy decided they could be twins and she matched them down to the socks.
 We headed to Florida.  The kids were great on the flights and Bobby didn't get motion sick due to the preventative measures we took.  It was an early start to the day but we made it without delay!

 It was hard to keep Bobby busy during the all afternoon shopping trip he, Emmy, grandma and I went on while Dad and Robb were in a golfing tournament.  He doesn't enjoy shopping like we do but he was overall well behaved.  We stopped at Starbucks for refreshments.

 Grandma and Emmy did a little dancing poolside, Emmy really enjoyed it!  The kids got a lot of swimming time in during our Florida trip.

 They participated in the Easter Egg hunt and were pretty competitive!  Emmy made a new friend instantly while in line.  Bobby got his game face on!

 Mom and Dad had some friends/neighbors who had family down visiting and they had a sweet little 11 month old that Emmy bonded with.  She was the only one who could entertain and make this baby smile and the parents were grateful for the new friendship.

 Later on that day we went to a Nature Conserveratory where the kids got to pet rabbits and go on another hunt.  I found the top prize and so they got a book and some other candy and toys.  It was a fun stop on that day.

 Butterfly garden
 Twinsies!  So glad she loves her mama and wants to look like me!
 Emmy had some great questions to ask during the giraffe feeding and we all learned a lot on Easter Sunday when we went to the Naples zoo.
 Emmy stopped to look at some butterflies mating...she wondered why they were laying there like that and was so concerned that she asked the zookeeper.  The zookeeper just gave her a knowing look and referred to my explanations of why the butterflies were seemingly "injured"

 The kids loved feeding the giraffes and Bobby made sure to make the giraffe work for it so he could see how long the giraffe's black tongue was.  Later the kids rode on a camel which they also loved.

 This year we finished off our last day with an EPIC boat ride. 

 We stopped at the beach and the kids ate ice cream and popsicles.  My parents neighbors and their family joined us and it was fun to have their son and the little baby back again since Emmy and Bobby had made fast friends with those two.

 On the way back home we got the show of a lifetime from some friendly dolphins.  Emmy was close to tears she was so excited.  The dolphins stayed with us for miles and we enjoyed the performance!

 Bobby collected sea shells with his new friend and Emmy entertained her baby friend at lunch and then later chose to spend her saved birthday money on some pink ballerina booties she found at a store.  I love her giving heart and she got extra smiles from that baby.

 Grandma had some new sea shells to decorate with at her house as Emmy and Bobby brought back a lot from Fort Myers Beach and then Bobby collected even more at the beach connected to the where they have their home in the community.

Mason had his first communion.  Emmy and Bobby did well to sit through service that was longer than an hour and Mason was very grown up and handsome on his special day!

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