Tuesday, April 11, 2017

GABR, date night

 Robb and I rode in GABR this past weekend.  I won a Scheels gift card for winning 2nd place overall!  This was after a bike breakdown....probably cost me first :)  The kids were great and cheered and fanned us as we rode.
 Bobby and I had a date night.  We went shopping with his birthday money so he could buy a toy he wanted.  He wanted me to take this picture of him in the star wars ship...he was a little short for the display.

 We all went to Space Aliens for dinner then Robb and Emmy headed to the Butterfly ball while Bobby and I played games, won prizes.
 Later I took Bob to the store and told him he could have any snack he wanted and he chose this Bunny cake.  I was expecting chips or pretzels but I did say any snack he wanted.

 Emmy loved the ball and found lots of friends.  She ran into Bobby's girlfriend Keira there when I showed Bobby this picture he was pretty excited to see her.
Our friends Sarah and Nora have all of Emmy's old DVDs.  They watched one this past weekend that had this note left inside from Emmy.  She is so sweet. Bobby devoted an entire page in his March journal to how much he loves him mom and then another page to how much he loves his family.  We are lucky to have these kids!

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