Sunday, October 29, 2017

October fun

 The kids carved pumpkins with help from their dad.  I came home from the gym to this jack-o-lantern waiting on our front step.

 Emmy had a play date with her friend and so Bobby and I went on another date together.  This time to McDonald's where we enjoyed some treats and play time.
 Bobby has been absolutely obsessed with the game of Uno lately.  Robb must play 30 games a night with him.  Bobby's trash talking is what makes us the most amused.  Bobby will look at his hand and say out loud, "Wow, that was unexpected." or he will ask Robb, "You want to go hard, we can go hard."  or he will ask, "Are you ready for this?" It is fun to watch them and Robb is such a great dad to give Bobby all of his time for games of Uno.

 Robb and I dressed as Baywatch lifeguards this year and had a great time with friends.

 Emmy had a turn as an Acolyte.  She was nervous and took her time getting to the front.  She was very intentional with her lighting and did a super job.  The look on her face as she walked back after her job was over was so great.  You could see the joy and both our faces.  I was so proud of my big girl!  Bobby sat with us and a nice older lady gave him a bag of candy.  He thanked her and then took out a pen and wrote her a thank you note which he hand delivered.  All his idea.  Made me even prouder than I was already.  What sweet, thoughtful, kind kids we have.
 I dressed Emmy up this afternoon and we went back to church for Trunk or Treat.  She is Mal (a character from her favorite movie) and she had a great time.

Meanwhile the boys headed out to the ranch to fish and shoot BB guns.  This was Bobby's first time and he was so grateful for his dad and told him many times how great it is to do "guy stuff."  We love being with the kids and they seem to enjoy it too!

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