Thursday, March 28, 2019

Spring has to be coming!

 My former student's family is into sled-dog racing and they offered sled-dog rides a few weeks ago.  The kids met all the dogs and we had a fast and fun 2 mile ride.  These dogs and people are world champion racers and we enjoyed hearing their racing stories. 

 Robb and Emmy played in the parent/daughter hockey match-up.  I think Robb Eckert took advantage of the size differential and had some penalties coming his way for roughing his daughter.  They had a great time out there!
 The kids went to the U Mary basketball camp on a day they had off from school.  I was working and so I headed out to campus at noon to take the kids to lunch.  Bobby ate a full plate of stir fry, a huge cheeseburger and then had an apple and an ice cream cone.  Emmy had 3 desserts!  They make the most of the meal plan I've paid for.  Later that night I remarked to Bobby how crazy it is that he can fit that much food into his belly in one sitting.  He said to me, "Don't judge me mom,"  which made me laugh so hard.  That kid is funny!

 Bobby has been working out downstairs using my equipment and it has paid off in his basketball games.  He is the high scorer and is tough on defense.  He plays and hustles so hard!  I'm proud of his hard working attitude.  His coach always gives Bobby the toughest guy to play on defense.  He makes a lot of we just have to work on passing.

 Bucks season has started and Bobby enjoys bringing a friend!
 Bobby writes us the sweetest notes when we are in church.  This was his latest......he usually passes them over on his way out for Sunday school.  He has been working really hard at AWANA as well to learn Bible stories and verses.

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