Monday, March 11, 2019

Terry Peak Ski Adventure with the Lundeen family!

 We traveled to SD for an Eckert and Lundeen ski adventure.  The kids had such a great time together and the adults enjoyed our time together as well!

We played a lot of games at night.  Here Emmy is completing a "dare" by having Chloe pour water into her mouth.

 The kids were really great skiers this year.  They skied black diamonds and were too fast on the slopes to keep up with.  There were some epic wipe outs, but there was always an adults as the caboose down the hill to gather skis and get every kid upright again!

 Instructor Rick taught the kids well and they learned to do some good turns!  That doesn't mean they used turns to slow down as they all preferred to ski straight down the hill at top speed.

It was a really fun family Spring Break vacation and we plan to do it annually!

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