Wednesday, May 15, 2019

DC Trip!

Before we left for DC, Bobby celebrated Keira's birthday.  She enjoyed her gifts he picked out.

Upon arrival in DC, Grandpa bought the kids donuts!

 We toured the monuments at night on that first night - it was spectacular!

 Emmy found some baby ducks being lead by their mother.  She touched a baby duck (this may be the highlight of her experience)

 We had a great meal at Founding Fathers....I talked my father into a shot.  We had a good say the least.

A visit to the Natural Art and History Museum was a great stop.  Bobby was determined to have a butterfly land on him. I spent 20 minutes in a capsule that was humid and 85 degrees making sure that happened for him.  We also visited the Air and Space museum where the kids learned about meteorites and the earliest of airplanes.

We toured the White House before stopping in to see our Senator - John Hoeven.  He signed Bobby's journal and we enjoyed his office and the Bison.

 We went to the zoo and Emmy saw her pandas.  She made sure to buy some panda socks for her friend Sophie and a necklace for her friend Audrie

 Grandpa and Grandma celebrated 45 years of marriage.  It was a fun night and a fabulous dinner.  We were all so grateful that Grandma planned such an amazing trip for all of us.  It was another memory made!

 Near our hotel was a great Gelato place and we enjoyed a lot of Gelato.  There was also a big swing on the Wharf waterfront and Bobby gave some big pushes to the ladies.

The final day was spent at Mount Vernon.  The kids learned a lot of our 1st President and marched along with a piccolo player as we headed to lunch.  I think they really enjoyed what they learned on the trip.  Bobby made a slide show to present to his class.  Emmy had an ND studies project on Sacajawea that she completed when she returned back to school.

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