Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Busy weekend!

 I played a 4 person volleyball tournament this past weekend.  My team was a lot of fun and we made it to the semifinals.  The kids and Robb were there to cheer me on for a lot of the day.  Emmy stuck around until the end and was very popular as a cheerleader.  She would shout out, "You got this mom!" and "I Love you mom!"  I felt very special.
 Bobby got a roughrider round-up this past week for being the sweet, kind, caring boy he is.  Robb and I tell him often that no matter what gifts or talents you bring to the world, your kindness and care for others is the most important way to serve God.  I think he gets it!

 I was at the kids' school last Friday for Math mentors.  I played math games with both kids and discovered that Emmy is definitely faster at converting fractions when compared to me.  Bobby beat me in the math games where we tried to create number pattern to create 100.  He gave me some answers which allowed me to win the game, but really at math that day he was the winner.  I love that the kids are so smart and confident.....there are no two kids I'd rather lose math games to.

Sunday was so busy!  Besides the tournament that I played in, the kids had hockey and basketball.  That is our Emmy in the penalty box.  She played aggressive and she played so well.  Bobby fouled out of his last basketball tourney game (I'm seeing a pattern here with these aggressive Eckert kids).  He stole the ball 3 times and scored 6 points straight in one game.  He and Emmy play with such heart and we love to see them give it their all out there!

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