Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Some wins and some losses in the Eckert household!

We had some highlights and lowlights to share from the past week.  The worst event was that Emmy had a freak accident with the dog kennel gate and ended up with 5 stitches in her eyebrow all before the start of school.  I rushed her to the ER, my parents came to take Bobby to school, and Robb met me at the ER.  Emmy was very worried about needles to numb the site where stitches would need to go after her first experience in the ER with lip stitches.  This time, only numbing cream was needed and the stitches were clean and much easier to tolerate.  She thanked me MANY times for taking good care of her and for staying calm.  On the inside I wasn't so calm, but I can usually keep it cool when I need to and problem solve.  Robb almost passed out when the stitches were put in though!  He gets very protective of our Emmy.  Speaking of protective, poor Bobby cried all the way to school with Grandma Launa assuring him that Emmy would be just fine!  He checked on her classroom twice to see if she was there later in the day (and shared the news of her injury with her class).  She actually asked for a stay at home day and we obliged her, but Bobby was really missing her.  He made her these Get Well cards at school during break.  Emmy's friend Reagan also wrote her a card and delivered it after school to our house.  Emmy will be just fine I'm sure and we learned that we are pretty blessed with love, friends and family when we need them!

 Bobby shot his first buck out at the ranch.  He was beyond excited. We are so grateful for Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Launa and all our ranch memories!

My parents took the kids to a Rudolph play at the Civic Center.  They also enjoyed a dinner at Applebees.  What lucky grandkids!

Bobby starred in a play at school.  He was the star character and had a lot of lines.  He really enjoys acting (he practices a lot in the games he and Emmy play and make up together).  He did a great job and he sure loves his teacher this year.

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