Tuesday, November 12, 2019


 We renamed the SHS after Saint Gianna Molla and her daughter came to meet us all.  It was an inspiring event to hear the story of this mother who is now a Saint and her daughter was very kind and excited to hear of the new name for the SHS.

 Halloween was EXTRA cold this year and so we stayed inside to trick-or-treat out at U Mary.  Emmy was a cheerleader who her teammates didn't catch after throwing her up in the air for a stunt.  She did her own make up.  Bobby as a soccer player and we also brought along his friend who was a scary clown.  They had a great time and then we split up so that Emmy could go to a friend's party and I could take the boys trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.  We did the whole block and it was a cold, windy adventure.

 My work girlfriends and I attended the U Mary Gala.  We dressed up fancy and enjoyed a good deal of wine that night.  We had a great time together.  I'm blessed to work with such amazing women that are also friends.

 I bought the kids these cookies that they could color on to make their own creations.  They were into the art and into the eating of the cookies.

 Bobby had his first traveling basketball game.  They won enough games to play in the championship game where he faced his good friend Kellan.  They emerged with 2nd place and they had so much fun.  Bobby is an animal on defense!  He is a great little ball handler, but he is everywhere on defense and never gives up.  An old teacher/coach that Robb and I both knew from HS and Jr High was reffing one of the games and he said to us, "That Eckert boy has the Moldenhauer piss and vinegar I think"  I definitely was well known for being aggressive on defense....lots of steals.  Bobby is really quick and has that same attitude and it is so much fun to watch him play! 

I also got to coach Emmy's volleyball team last weekend.  They won their match as well and Emmy played great.  She is the first one to call the ball or cheer on her teammates.  She is positive and works hard out there and I enjoy helping her team.  It is fun to see the kids work hard and do their best in the sports they play.  Emmy is also busy with hockey and Bobby with soccer this fall.
Bobby's teacher has a Facebook page where she posts pictures of what the kids are up to.  This week Bobby read to his 1st grade buddy while dressed as a cowboy during spirit week.

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