Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Yay for May!

Lots of things happening in Emmy's life in May.  She had a boyfriend.....for a couple weeks.  Harrison gave her flowers and called every night so they could facetime.  These calls consisted of him playing Fortnite while she played piano and did her homework.....all while having the phone on next to them.  Much like all young relationships after a few weeks Emmy wasnt' into him anymore so she sent him a text that said "We're breaking up" and he responded "thanks for making it official" and that was the end of it.  I applauded her for initiating the break up vs just ghosting him like I preferred to do in my junior high and HS relationships.
May brought us some opportunities for me to pick kids up from school and practice to go for treats together.  Emmy is adjusting to being a Saint but there are some mean girls.  She has made friends and lost friends this semester and I am proud of her resilience.

Although I graduated with the EdD in 2020, I was able to walk through graduation in 2021.  When I went onto the stage and they announced my name, my DPT graduating class gave me a standing ovation and cheered very loudly. So loudly that many people asked me about it later and told me other instructors were asking what I did to deserve those cheers.  My evaluations for teaching have never been better and I feel very appreciated.  My research group gave me flowers in our last week.  I'm proud of my work here at  U Mary.

Our Emmy made the honor roll.  She had a rough start with the higher expectations of homework and grades at St. Marys but she had hit her stride.  She is responsible, accountable and is on the honor roll!  SO PROUD of her!!!
My kids are still my favorite coffee dates, we have the best conversations

I got to walk through graduation with my favorite cheerleaders and support system.  My people were proud of me and made the day special.  I couldn't be my best self without them.  I can't thank them enough.

Bobby's baseball aspirations have cause our lawn to look pretty trashed and our garage to be full of baseball equipment......but he is working hard, improving daily, and has the best dad coach ever who spends time with him practicing. It is worth it all!

Bobby traveled to Mitchell SD and Sioux Falls SD for tournaments in May.  He played on a travel team called the Naturals.  It was a good time with great friends and he made amazing memories.  Emmy and I got to join for the Sioux Falls trip.  I had so much fun having a few drinks with my BFF from college!!  We laughed and talked about good old days and these happy days where we are busy moms.

 I enjoyed hanging out with my Emmy while to boys were playing baseball.  It was Mother's day and my family was together.

Emmy is in track and she is a great runner.  She has run many sprints and even a 400 yard race as part of a relay.  It is fun to see her improve each week.

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