Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Let the summer fun begin!!

We have got big plans for the summer!

We've been enjoying several pool parties already this summer.  The kids have many new friends and we've enjoyed having them over.

Bobby and I took an afternoon to play mini golf and basketball while Emmy was at hockey camp.  Then Emmy and I went to the library while Bobby was at baseball.  Emmy found lots of books she was excited about and then we had some cheesecake while reading.  Emmy was so kind to a man in a power wheelchair who was looking for someone to share to about a book he wants to write.  She was patient and listened so well.  She is a kind soul.

Sometimes Coach Robb gets in the pool to throw around other people's little kids since his are too grown up now.  He is always a favorite with the kids.

Emmy has a crush on a boy and the feeling seems mutual (for now).  I am friends with his mom so of course, they all came over for a pool date.  Little brother supervised too and made sure to be a pest when necessary.  It was a pizza pool party.  We like to entertain at our house....where I'm always watching!

 Every weekend is usually full of baseball now.....and we are NOT complaining.  I love everything about being a baseball mom!

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