Saturday, November 8, 2014

hunting widow having fun with the kids

Emmy and Bobby play really nice together.  They share Bobby's computer often (Emmy tells me she likes his better).  They play pretend and act like super heroes and have great imaginations.

I took the kids to the Kids Bop live show.  This show is made up of 4 really talented pre teens who sing the hits that are on the radio but make them "kid versions" by taking out any lyrics that could be thought of as naughty.  We have some of the CDs and play them in the car and the kids also hear them at school.  They knew all the songs and were singing and dancing like crazy.  They were fun to watch and Emmy told me she really wants to sing and dance on stage like those kids.

Poor Bobby got worn out and somehow caught a nap with the screaming singing kids and loud music.  I enjoyed our cuddle time but it was pretty hard to try to dance ;)

Later on we went out for orange leaf since we wanted to make the most of our time together.  We do miss our dad but he is having a fun time hunting with the other men.  Bobby has a big shiner on his eye that hurts my heart to look at.  He fell against the night table next to the bed while being crazy one morning.  He hardly cried and we attempted to ice it but it seems to look worse every day.  Poor little ruffian!

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