Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Emmy and mommy's Fargo girls trip

 Emmy and I went to Fargo on Sunday for a girl's trip.  We first went to my girlfriends' vendor party where Emmy waited very patiently while I shopped and chatted with my friends.  She was very sweet and let me socialize for a couple hours and then said nicely, "Mommy, I just wanted to remind you that we are missing out on valuable Chuck E Cheese time."  She was right and so we went to play games and have some fun at the pizza place.  She and I worked together to earn a bunch of tickets that she fed into the machine.  Then we won all kinds of fantastic prizes (said sarcastically).  She got some plastic jewelry and we even picked out some stickers and a plastic frog for Bobby.

 Then my friend Kristen and her daughter Olivia came over and the girls swam in the pool.  The girls made fast friends although Emmy has a summer of swimming under her belt and so she went off into the deep end and down the slide a few times while Olivia opted for the shallow end.  Emmy every once in a while would come tell me a stranger talked to her and she just wanted me to know this.  I was not worried since I was watching these stranger interactions with other moms who were swimming with their kids.  I like that she is cautious though!

 We washed up after swimming and I tucked her into bed with a bag of popcorn.  In the middle of the night after getting smacked in the face (Emmy told me she wanted to pat my head and put her arm around me but didn't realize I was facing her) I took this picture of Emerson taking up the ENTIRE King size bed.  How can one little girl take up so much bed.  I still enjoyed the cuddling before we went to sleep and the many "I love yous" that I heard from my best friend.

The next day I took Emmy to the indoor play ground to burn off some energy prior to heading home.  She played with a lot of little kids since school was in session for Fargo kids (not for Bismarck kids for some reason).  She is friendly and social so she enjoyed making new friends and I played with her as well.  Then this morning she had to get that darn tooth pulled out to make room for her adult tooth that is almost full grown behind the baby tooth.  She was a brave girl and the tooth fairy will be coming tonight to our house!!  I could not be prouder or love this little person more.  I will never forget singing in the car to our favorite tunes or cuddling in the big bed eating popcorn together.  I hope we have many more trips together like this one!

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