Thursday, November 20, 2014

Busy life

We've been really busy lately.  Emmy has a dance performance and her father/daughter princess ball this weekend and last weekend was feeling under the weather.  We got a call from the grandma at a princess birthday party she was attending and she had thrown up cake and punch and needed to be picked up.  Then on Monday morning when I came back from spin she told me that she had to tell me something (with a guilty look on her face).  She then proceeded to tell me that after finding my side of the bed empty she curled up on my pillow.  Then thought she had to pass gas only to discover that she had diarrhea.  She then alerted her dad (who was in the shower) that there was now poop on our bed.  She laid back down (still on my side) and then had a dream where she was peeing and woke up to peeing on my bed. response was to ask her if she was feeling alright and assure her I was not mad since these were just accidents.  I then made sure our bedding was being washed ;)

Bobby had a daycare potluck that we were invited to.  He was really excited to have lunch with us and made sure to introduce us to the older couple who make the lunches each day.  "This is my mom and this is my dad" he told them while pointing at us.  Tonight we have Bobby's parent/teacher Pre-K conferences.  He told me he expects the report to be good and bad.  Bad because he has been pooping in his pants at school but good because he is a nice boy.  I agree that this may be the majority of what we discuss tonight.  This morning he came running in to our bathroom as I was getting out of the shower and told me that he felt very sorry for me because "God cut off my weiner"  I told him no, this was not the case since I never had a weiner.  He told me that "Emmy had one when she was born but doesn't have one anymore"  I disagreed and reminded him that he was not alive when Emmy was born.  "Yes," he agreed "God hadn't made me yet."

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