Monday, November 24, 2014

Emerson's first Princess Ball with dad

Saturday night Emmy went to her very first Princess Ball with Robb.  There was a grand march where they were introduced as Princess Emerson escorted by her dad Robb Eckert.  I came to watch and took pictures of them.  Then Emmy danced, took pictures with the princesses, made a tiara, ate snacks, danced with friends old and new and had a special time with the best dad ever - Robb.  I made sure Bobby had some fun with his mom.  We went to get waffle cones and frozen yogurt at TCBY (this was his request and choice of treats).  Bobby went to visit Grandpa Kelly and played so hard that when I picked him up he was sweaty and out of breath from running, laughing and playing basketball.  He went straight to bed and fell asleep hard that night.  When Emmy got home she gave her dad a big hug, telling him thanks and that she loved him.  What a busy day that girl had

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