Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Father's Day was spent at the baseball field.  Bobby's team played in the Championship game.  They ended up losing, but Bobby played well the entire weekend.  He had his amazing dad/coach and his super grandpa/fan there to support him.  Grandma Launa, Emmy, and I were also there cheering loud.

I played a 74 year old lady who had hip surgery during our 1st year student lab practical.  I think I did a good job playing a little old lady. I borrowed Emmy's glasses to get into my role.

Bobby got a President's Academic Excellence and Physical Fitness award at school.  He is using all the gifts/talents God gave him to do well in school.  We are very proud!!

My sweet Emmy text me this message about her brother.  I love how kind and thoughtful she is to include him when she is having fun with her friends at Raging Rivers.  She is a great big sister!!

We celebrated with our baseball team parent friends at the Benning wedding this month.  It was a fun time had by all.

The kids and I have been getting outside and enjoying the summer weather.  We are checking things off our summer to-do list.  We've rode bikes to cafes for lunch, we've had a treat after a long walk outside, and we've engaged in some baking projects too.  I love spending extra time with my kids.  Bobby also does a lot of batting practice in our garage.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Summer fun resumes

 We got home safe and sound and I noticed something different about our house......NEW PLANTS!  When we settled in we started making out Summer fun list.  Bobby suggested a summer fun meter to gauge when we had met the mark of maximum summer fun.

Discovery Cove

Our final day was spent at Discovery Cove. Everyone discovered that they had a new activity to love.  Bobby loves snorkeling!  Emmy is part Disney Princess when it comes to how much birds love her. We all love dolphins!

Bobby showed us the way since he had gone on a few snorkeling adventures before we got into the cold water that day. Emmy was adventurous but did not want to fish to touch her.  She and I held hands while snorkeling and would communicate with squeals to show each other the cool fish we were seeing.  I loved holding my kids hands and having these moments with them.  We rode on the lazy river together several times as well.

 This day was full of great family time together.  The dolphins and weather (lightning at times, rain) didn't cooperate during our time with dolphins which prolonged the session.  We had to get in and then out of the water and try to switch to dolphins that would cooperate.  We missed lunch!  The good thing about it was that we met several dolphins and they kept the kitchen open for us extra late so that we did get some food.

Day 4 - Magic Kingdom take two

One or our last rides that night was the carousel.  A classic!!
As we waited for the bus, I snapped this photo of the kids just talking, laughing, and enjoying each other.
Emmy found the ultimate treat.  A white chocolate covered caramel apple with marshmallow Mickey ears.
The kids started asking to pair up to ride together which was really sweet for me to see.  This way Robb and I got to ride together for a few rides too.

We loved getting all wet on the Splash Mountain ride.  We went 3 times total!!

Bobby thought he'd be more excited about the race track ride but then discovered you were lead around on tracks and couldn't go that fast or veer off the track.  He made the ride fun for himself by driving back and forth, side to side, to hit the end of the track each time like bumper cars. His passenger (me) was not amused and my only relief was that it is many years until he can officially drive.

 We headed back to Magic Kingdom for Day 4 to spend one more day taking in that park.  The birds and ducks were quite used to people and let the kids pet them.

Epcot, our new favorite place!

Robb and I had some wine that night to have with us as we all enjoyed the most amazing fireworks show at Epcot.  Music, lights, lots of great fireworks!!

We switched driving partners and made new cars.  Bobby was the winner this time.
We returned to Epcot later that evening and we all ate in Japan.  Sushi for me, ramen for kids, some beef dish for Robb.
Japan was Emmy's favorite place and the kids bought snacks and Emmy got a new backpack.

Blueberry Apple tea in Great Britain and a Mary Poppins sighting.  We bought some of this tea to take home since even the kids were fans.
Another stop for food.  Emmy really liked her Rose boba tea (she had two that day) and Bobby had two servings of spicy chicken skewer from China.
They had a Butterfly garden that made Emmy's day happy.

We tried small bites of lots of unique foods.  Emmy discovered a love for Avocado toast.  We all loved the fruishi (fruit sushi).  We thought the grilled pineapple with rubbed spice in the Africa country stop was interesting.

We got to make our own models of cars in one ride, then we tested them out to see who would in.  Emmy built the best car model in round one!  Bobby bested everyone in Round 2.

We loved Epcot!!  We started our day with breakfast in Norway and the Frozen ride.  The kids and Robb got some really fun pastries we all shared.