Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Father's Day was spent at the baseball field.  Bobby's team played in the Championship game.  They ended up losing, but Bobby played well the entire weekend.  He had his amazing dad/coach and his super grandpa/fan there to support him.  Grandma Launa, Emmy, and I were also there cheering loud.

I played a 74 year old lady who had hip surgery during our 1st year student lab practical.  I think I did a good job playing a little old lady. I borrowed Emmy's glasses to get into my role.

Bobby got a President's Academic Excellence and Physical Fitness award at school.  He is using all the gifts/talents God gave him to do well in school.  We are very proud!!

My sweet Emmy text me this message about her brother.  I love how kind and thoughtful she is to include him when she is having fun with her friends at Raging Rivers.  She is a great big sister!!

We celebrated with our baseball team parent friends at the Benning wedding this month.  It was a fun time had by all.

The kids and I have been getting outside and enjoying the summer weather.  We are checking things off our summer to-do list.  We've rode bikes to cafes for lunch, we've had a treat after a long walk outside, and we've engaged in some baking projects too.  I love spending extra time with my kids.  Bobby also does a lot of batting practice in our garage.

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