Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Day 4 - Magic Kingdom take two

One or our last rides that night was the carousel.  A classic!!
As we waited for the bus, I snapped this photo of the kids just talking, laughing, and enjoying each other.
Emmy found the ultimate treat.  A white chocolate covered caramel apple with marshmallow Mickey ears.
The kids started asking to pair up to ride together which was really sweet for me to see.  This way Robb and I got to ride together for a few rides too.

We loved getting all wet on the Splash Mountain ride.  We went 3 times total!!

Bobby thought he'd be more excited about the race track ride but then discovered you were lead around on tracks and couldn't go that fast or veer off the track.  He made the ride fun for himself by driving back and forth, side to side, to hit the end of the track each time like bumper cars. His passenger (me) was not amused and my only relief was that it is many years until he can officially drive.

 We headed back to Magic Kingdom for Day 4 to spend one more day taking in that park.  The birds and ducks were quite used to people and let the kids pet them.

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