Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Hollywood Studios

One of my favorite memories of this trip will be all the fun moments where Bobby and Emmy had such a great time together.  They are good friends and were polite, grateful, funny kids the entire trip.

The Star Wars rides had the longest lines and were the most popular.....but they were the rides Bobby wanted most to do.  In one of the rides, the people running the ride acted out the part of kidnapping us (as people who favored "the Resistance") and tried to get information out of us.  Bobby told us that the rebels were headed to "Nunya."  Then he followed up with, "nun ya beeswax!"  This day was hot (93 degrees) and we didn't take a mid afternoon break so we were very worn out by the end.  We had another day of laughs though and really enjoyed it.

Some of the rides required 3D glasses for the experience.

Bobby made his own special Star Wars sword.  He really enjoyed how much the place was made to look like the Star Wars movies he loves.


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