Wednesday, June 1, 2022

End of 5th and 7th grade

Bobby was so excited to tell me about how his class was doing a collaborative art project where they were to draw a kindergarten buddy.  He did tell me they ran out of the marker color that best represented his partner.
Emmy's last day of St. Mary's ended two weeks before the public schools ended.  We followed our tradition and went out for ice cream on her last day to celebrate the end of 7th grade.
Since our family went to Disney the last week of May when Bobby technically was still finishing up 5th grade, we did miss some of the festivities.  We missed the Graduation ceremony where Bobby received his Presidential Academic and Physical fitness award.  They did put up his picture and some of my mom friends took a picture to send to us.

 Bobby and I both shed some tears on his last day.....we were nostalgic.  He enjoyed all his years at Centennial and I also loved these Elementary school years.  I cried the first day I sent both of my kids to kindergarten and I cried the day I dropped them off for their last days at Centennial.  Emmy technically missed her last day of Elementary due to the pandemic.  Bobby and I had a Starbucks breakfast together and then he marched into the school for his final moments.

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