Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New toys to play with at my cousin's house

I liked to play with all the toys that my cousins have. My favorite were these toy guns and trucks. I don't have any toy guns at home! I like to pretend to shoot with this and was entertained by the noises it made. I think it made mom a bit nervous that I liked the toy guns and I'm not sure I convinced her that we should get some guns for our house.
Mom told me that she would like to post some pictures from our last supper with our Chicago relatives. I guess I made quite a noodle mess at the restaurant. Some people did stop and tell mom how cute me and my noodle mess were. Mom let me throw the noodles everywhere since we were at an outdoor restaurant and she said that I hadn't had my bath yet. I did get some noodles in my mouth and grandma got some good pictures. Now mom just has to convince (and maybe instruct) her in how to download pictures from her camera so that we can get the evidence on the blog.

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