Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Then we packed up for lunch. I was starving and getting cranky. Luckily mom's friend Brooke had packed some tasty blueberry muffins and I tried to get the whole muffin in my mouth at once. Then we sat down for lunch. Maddie and I shared mac n cheese. I don't know what was wrong with Maddie, but she didn't get a lot of mac n cheese on her face, hands or clothes. I must have been hungrier than she was because I managed to get my lunch in my hair, hands, face, eyelashes, ears, lap. The pigeons outside were flocking around my chair because I accidentally dropped some of my lunch. The boys chased them away though

for us. Then on the was back to Emily's house Maddie and I fell asleep. It had been a long day and I was wore out. I guess mom was wore out too because she kept telling me that I was a lot of work without dad to help. We had a great time!

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