Thursday, June 21, 2012

Loving my time with the kids

Today Bobby, Emmy and I went to the park and then crossed the street to share a strawberry ice cream sundae.  Bobby ate more than anyone.  On the way to Emmy's soccer practice I gave the kids a little snack bag of crackers.  One of my favorite things to watch (though I can't watch too closely since I usually am driving the car) is the kids in the back seat sharing snacks.  Bobby looks at Emmy and asks for "More?" and reaches his little hand out and she gives him a few crackers at a time.  They share so nicely and Emmy helps him to make sure he doesn't eat too much at a time.  Bobby just really worships Emmy and is always trying to play with her, do what she is doing and give her hugs and kisses.  Later tonight Emmy and I were reading a book in which the Care Bears are sharing with each other and at the end I ask her some questions about times when she shared.  She told me that she shared her treats with Bobby and if felt really good.  We also have been saying special prayers to God about Grandma Shirly this week as she passed away this week from a stroke.  Emmy told God tonight,"God please watch over Grandma Shirley as she flies up to Heaven on a balloon to live with you and be in your big heart."  This was not prompted by me saying anything to Emmy although I did tell her that Grandma Shirley was going to live up in Heaven with God earlier in the week.  Emmy talks about God a lot and it always makes me smile.  A few days ago we were at the hospital and she saw a man with long light brown hair and yelled out to me, "Mom, I see God....Mom, there is God!"  I did have to laugh but explained to her later that some people just look like God, but God lives up in Heaven.  She understood that and then last night she met Kylie Unterseher's fiancee who again has long light brown dread locks......"Mom, he looks just like God!" she yelled out.  He looked over at us and said "Yes, I know what she is talking about"  and I had to say back to him, "Well, there is some resemblance there and really it is the ultimate compliment!"  He seemed amused by Emmy's observation (I hope?)  Anyhow I have had some good laughs courtesy of Emmy this week in spite of having to say good bye to Grandma Shirley.  Bobby has been busy learning new words.  This week he asks for "ananas" that he sees on our counter.  He has a banana a day now (sometimes two).  He also likes to take the camera and try to take pictures of us saying, "Cheese, Cheese!"  He can repeat almost any word I say to him and is really good at getting my attention by saying, "up mama" when he wants to be held and "more" usually regarding second helpings of food.  It is fun to see him be so communicative.

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