Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ready for swimming time!  The first Monday that I started part time work for the summer was a great day.  After nap time I got the kids ready and we went to Elks Pool (where I used to be a life guard).  The kids were SO excited.  Bobby was such a show off once we got there.  Running into the water (driving mom crazy with anxiety), and putting his face directly into the shooting water fountains and laughing.  Other parents kept coming up to me and asking me how old he was and saying, "wow he is brave" or "he has NO fear".  Yup, I know...that's our Bob-Bob.  He had such a great time running around those fountains and playing in the water.  Emmy enjoyed herself too.  Of course she made some new friends and played in the water and fountains with Bobby.  She listened really well to me which was important since she had to stay near us and I had to go wherever my little daredevil wanted to run (and sometimes he wanted to run away from me)!  We had a great time together and I felt so grateful that I get to spend these afternoons with my kiddos.  The next day Bobby got a high fever and so we've been battling that ever since.  Robb and I have had some interrupted nights of sleep trying to keep his fever down and he has been attached to my hip.  He did let the grandmas watch and play with him a little so that I could get some work done though.

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