Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fun in the sun

 The weather was hot this week so we started off at the waterpark.  Bobby wanted nothing to do with me and insisted on almost drowning himself under the fountains.  Emmy was very good and listened well (thank goodness).  Bobby couldn't be naughtier....he thinks he is about 10 years old instead of only 1.  He is a daredevil and is always trying to climb up onto the slides.  I saw many parents giving me looks of sympathy as I struggled to corral him at the waterpark.

  Then we ordered take out pasta.  The kids had a great time making a big mess!  Emmy tried to fit as many noodles in as possible and Bobby wore most of his meal.
Today Emmy went to the ranch with her grandparents and her buddy Mason.  Bobby and I went to the Elks pool and had a little time together just the two of us.  It is much easier to play and take care of Bob without Emmy along too.  We had a great time swimming and splashing.   Later Bobby found another hiding spot in our cupboards.  Emmy loves this spot too and they often fight over who should be in it....Bobby is taking full advantage of his sister being at the ranch. 

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