Monday, November 19, 2012

Mom may be too tired to update.....

There has been a lot going on recently at our house....but I am just too tired to catch up on blogging lately.  Robb had a major sinus surgery (3 hours) last week.  He has not recovered well and we are constantly trying to keep the kids away from him so he won't risk getting his nose bumped.  He has to go back to the Dr. to get the splints out of his nose this week but I'm not sure when I will get help bathing kids, changing Bobby's diapers or taking them to/from daycare.  I have had much help from our parents in the past week (thank goodness)!  Last night I got no sleep at all between getting up to check on Bobby and Emmy running into my room at 4 a.m. yelling that she had a fever and cough (she had neither by the way).  This late night, early morning wake ups from Emmy is getting to be a habit.  Emmy woke me up two nights ago by tweaking my nose.  I woke up pretty frightened but had to regain my composure quickly as I didn't want to scare her (even though I was VERY scared).  Last weekend she woke me up about 6 every morning but I actually didn't mind because I let her crawl into bed (Robb was downstairs sleeping on the recliner) with me for a  cuddle-session.  My favorite times during the weekend are when Emmy and Bobby both want to cuddle up with me.  I want to make sure I am always available for cuddles since I know that 10 years from now I will be wishing for them! 

Emmy did tell me the other day after watching a commercial for make up that I should get some of that make up so I could be beautiful like those ladies.  When I asked her if that meant they were much prettier than me she thought about it and told me....."No, mommy, you are much more beautifuller"  This is in contrast to something she had told me earlier that week when out of nowhere (in fact, I think I was helping her go potty and she was sitting on the toilet) she told me that she is "much prettier than me and although I am pretty I could never be as pretty as she is." She has picked out all of the presents she wants from Santa and even though it is too early for it, I have started using Santa to get Emmy to be on her best behavior!

Bobby is now talking in 2-3 word sentences.  He is so cute with his inflection.  His sayings are exactly as Robb and I talk.  For example he now answers, "Yep" instead of yes and I've noticed that I often do this too.  He also says, "Cooool!"  The favorite thing for me that he does now though is skip and dance around the living room saying, "Go Bobby, Go Bobby, Go Bobby Go!"  He chants this while skipping, running circles with a big smile on his face.  I just love that little pumpkin.  He and I have become really good buddies (especially since Dad is no longer someone to wrestle with and won't be for a while).

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