Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat!

 After work today I quickly got the kids fed and dressed up so I could take them out Trick or Treating.  Bobby was supposed to be a Garden Gnome but he refused to wear the hat and beard so he ended up just looking like a strangely dressed little boy.  Emmy was Ariel for daycare and then Minnie Mouse for trick or treating.  Emmy remembered the process from last year and so her and Mason were ready for the trick or treating.  Bobby didn't really go last year since he was just a baby so this year was his first real experience.  He told me many times that he was having fun and he was very selective of the treats he gathered at people's houses.  He always chose the biggest treat and with some prompting from me he would say "dae doo" which was his version of "Thank you!"  Emmy was so funny to watch because she would try to sneak (much to my embarrassment) extra treats while Bobby was taking his time choosing one.  She also would ask to pet any animal she could see from the doorway and then wish the people "Happy Halloween!"  It was cold so I pulled the kids in the wagon for the last few houses and Bobby was so bundled up that you really couldn't see his outfit.  We made a special stop at Aunt Toni's house and she spoiled the kids with outfits and candy.  The kids also had fun at daycare today as they got to wear costumes and get candy there as well.  Bob's 2T costume barely fit him and the ladies who watch him during the day reminded me again that he is biggest sized kid in the classroom.  Our Bobby is a brute!  He is a sturdy little man....and I love every pound of him.

Once we were home the kids enjoyed passing out treats (not as much as their dad does though I think).  Robb keeps track of how many kids come to our house (as he has every year) and never seems to want to call it a night and turn out the lights.  Both Bobby and Emmy passed out treats and wished people Happy Halloween.  Emmy tried to give most people large handfuls of candy and she told us her philosophy was the bigger the person, the more candy they should get.  Robb told her it probably should be the opposite as we had several Jr high and high school aged kids come to our house.  Emmy admired some costumes (especially the princesses) and made sure to give compliments out.  It was such a fun night for the kids.  Emmy told me later while we were saying prayers that she had a great Halloween this year and that she "loved, loved, loved being part of our family."  This warms my heart ;)

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