Friday, June 28, 2013

3D movie time

Bobby got to go to his first movie ever yesterday.  We brought Grandma Pearl, Grandma Launa, Mason and Emmy to Monsters University in 3D.  At first Bobby was pretty content to eat popcorn and sit on my lap but that only lasted for the first hour.  Then he started to switch back and forth between sitting by Mason, sitting on Grandma Pearl's lap and then Grandma Launa's lap.  He didn't really understand that silence was appreciated at the theater.  I'm not sure that he really saw all the movie since he didn't want to wear the glasses.  After several warnings (and an impromptu trip to the restroom for Emmy) I told him he had to leave early with me since he couldn't sit still or be quiet.  We waited outside the theater for Emmy to finish the movie.  He told his daddy later on that he "got in trouble with mommy" while he watched the movie.  We may have to try this again at a later date when he is a little older.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ranch fun

Grandma Launa and I took the kids to the ranch yesterday to see the new puppies.  Bobby and Emmy were so excited and just fell in love.  They both played, chased and like to be chased by the little puppies.  Bobby was giggling and talking to the puppies.  He followed them under the picnic table where she sat and played in the dirt with them.  The kids searched for flowers and then gave them to me.  Bobby loves to drive now (the tractor, lawn mower, anything with a steering wheel).  He went with grandpa this week while Emmy got her ear check up and Grandpa Kelly let him drive around the apt house.  Bobby is just enamored of Grandpa Kelly and all of the toys he lets Bobby drive.  He is constantly telling me about how he drives with his Grandpa and that they are REAL cowboys.  Today we are going to a movie.  Bobby's first official movie in the theatre!




Friday, June 21, 2013

Family dance party

 We were invited to a family dance party at the Stenberg's.  It was a great time!  Robb had softball so it was just me and the kids.  There was popcorn and orange can see Bobby is wearing most of his soda.  He would alternate between taking breaks to eat his popcorn and dancing.  He sticks fairly close to mom when around strangers but Emmy goes right up to other kids (and adults) to start conversations and dance.  She danced around like crazy and really enjoyed herself.  When it was time to go we had practiced what mom would consider a good exit strategy and much to my surprise the kids did great and were so good about leaving to go home.  We also had gone to a play park earlier in the day and I had told Emmy she wasn't allowed to climb over the top of a barrier I determined unsafe.  All the other kids were encouraging her to do this and were doing it themselves but I heard Emmy tell them several times, "no, I can't do that"......I felt so proud that without having to raise my voice or add a consequence she just listened so well to what I asked of her.  I'm sure it will always be this way.....:)

The kids had a blast in the pool this week

We got some pool time in this week and it was hard to get the kids out of the pool!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What the kids were up to while we were away

 Grandma Candy and Grandpa Bob made sure the kids had fun...picnics on the front steps, playing outside, lots of extra love and attention.  They really did not miss us a bit.  Grandma Launa took over on the last night and the kids told me they loved having her as well.

memory making

 We bought Emmy a red wig at the dollar store and she spent the rest of the time we ran errands asking random people, "Do you realize me?"  It was pretty comical.

 We finally got to go swimming!  The kids loved the water park and we now have the pool set up in the backyard
Poor Bobby didn't feel well for about a day last week - Emmy cuddled up with him to help him feel better

A quick trip to Vegas

Robb and I just got back from a quick trip with two other coupes to Vegas.  We had a great time and the kids didn't miss us at all since they love being with their grandparents!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Swimming lessons

Emmy started swimming lessons at the YMCA.  She has baseball right away afterwards and so daycare takes her to lessons but Daddy picks her up to get her to baseball.  He caught the end of the lesson last week and took a picture of Emmy spotting her dad watching in the stands.  Emmy has to wear a band around her ears to keep the water out as her ears heal from getting the tubes removed

Bismarket at the park

We got our rain boots and rain jackets on and headed to the Bismarket this past weekend.  The kids jumped in the bouncy house and we bought some home made donuts to eat.  They got balloon animals - a pink kitty (for Emmy) and an orange puppy (for Bobby).

Enjoying a train ride and ice cream at the zoo

The kids love the zoo and this past week we spent time riding the train and eating ice cream.

Our little soccer star

Robb takes Emmy to soccer this summer and she is really enjoying it this year.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just a little brown up there

I was telling Emmy that now I've got blonde hair like her.  "Yes," she said, "with just a little brown up here" pointing to my roots ;)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bobby the giant?

Today I entered Bobby's height into a height predictor just for fun.  It told me Bobby was predicted to be 6 foot 3!  Wouldn't that be interesting if Bobby was a giant compared to his parents.  He definitely is tall in comparison to his peers.  I've started my summer hours but the weather hasn't been great.  Today the kids and I went to an indoor park where they played and ran around until they were sweating.  There was a car there that Bobby wanted to claim as his own and had some difficulty sharing.  He just loves to pretend to drive.  Emmy of course met 2 new best friends right away and seemed to direct the games of pretend that I watched.  This was her last day of Bible school and I'm excited to hear how it turned out.  She has loved it so far.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Emmy, Bobby, Robb, Grandma Launa and I went to the Band Day parade. Emmy waved to all the people in the parade but was sad when some didn't specifically wave back to HER.  Bobby was at times overwhelmed by the commotion and noise but overall loved it too.  Many people in the parade threw candy.  Emmy needed no help gathering candy but I helped Bobby to make sure he got his share and enjoyed it.  There was a little boy sitting next to us that wasn't quick enough at times to get candy and so Emmy was such a good girl about sharing her candy with him and restraining herself at times so he could run out and get candy that was thrown too.

outside picnic

The kids enjoy dinner on the deck!

Cowboys and Cowgirls unite! Cowgirl goes to Bible school

Grandma Launa took Emmy to Vacation Bible School this week.  She loved it!  She made a drum and came home yelling "Zimbabwe!" since this was a country she learned about while there.  She dressed up in her cowgirl outfit and was so proud.  Bobby got to go to the park with his parents since he is too young for Bible school just yet. Today the kids start gymnastics (Bobby and I take class together and Emmy gets to go to class solo).  Emmy also starts swimming lessons, soccer and baseball this week.  They will be exhausted and so will I!
She loved her art project (which was a drum) so much that she insisted on sleeping on the drum last night

Fun times at the carnival

 The Eckert family had a great time at the Carnival this past weekend.  The kids enjoyed some corn dogs, rode the rides and also enjoyed their first time eating cotton candy!

Emmy gives a great performance

 Once again we were so proud of our Emmy who gave a great dance performance.  We couldn't take pictures during the show but here are some of before and after the show.  She did very well and most importantly had a super time!

Taking the final bow!