Friday, June 28, 2013

3D movie time

Bobby got to go to his first movie ever yesterday.  We brought Grandma Pearl, Grandma Launa, Mason and Emmy to Monsters University in 3D.  At first Bobby was pretty content to eat popcorn and sit on my lap but that only lasted for the first hour.  Then he started to switch back and forth between sitting by Mason, sitting on Grandma Pearl's lap and then Grandma Launa's lap.  He didn't really understand that silence was appreciated at the theater.  I'm not sure that he really saw all the movie since he didn't want to wear the glasses.  After several warnings (and an impromptu trip to the restroom for Emmy) I told him he had to leave early with me since he couldn't sit still or be quiet.  We waited outside the theater for Emmy to finish the movie.  He told his daddy later on that he "got in trouble with mommy" while he watched the movie.  We may have to try this again at a later date when he is a little older.


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