Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ranch fun

Grandma Launa and I took the kids to the ranch yesterday to see the new puppies.  Bobby and Emmy were so excited and just fell in love.  They both played, chased and like to be chased by the little puppies.  Bobby was giggling and talking to the puppies.  He followed them under the picnic table where she sat and played in the dirt with them.  The kids searched for flowers and then gave them to me.  Bobby loves to drive now (the tractor, lawn mower, anything with a steering wheel).  He went with grandpa this week while Emmy got her ear check up and Grandpa Kelly let him drive around the apt house.  Bobby is just enamored of Grandpa Kelly and all of the toys he lets Bobby drive.  He is constantly telling me about how he drives with his Grandpa and that they are REAL cowboys.  Today we are going to a movie.  Bobby's first official movie in the theatre!




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