Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day weekend

This past weekend we went out to the ranch and had a great time.  We played, ate great food and had a bonfire.  The Bear family joined us all out there and it was fun to have some extra kids and adults.  The next day we got up and headed out to the Almont parade.  The kids got lots of parade candy and then the ran the kids races.  Emmy was in first place but stopped to lift the tape which caused her to move into second place.  She was pretty upset initially about this but I gave her several pep talks about doing her best and being happy with her second place prize which was fantastic considering all the kids that ran with her (many of them older).  Bobby too really wanted to win but as a three year old running with 5 and 6 year olds he ended up in the middle of the pack (which I thought was really great)!  He was really into the race though and had a fun time.  We headed home to get some time in the pool.

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