Monday, June 1, 2015

Color Splash fun dash

We ran the Color splash fun dash this past weekend.  The event had bounce houses, free hot dogs, tattoos and face painting as well as balloon sword and puppy making which the kids took advantage of.  They ate their hot dogs pre race and after they did some dancing and bouncing we lined up.  We each had a color packet that we threw up in the air all at once with the other runners.  Emmy found her substitute teacher who took over for Mrs. Vollmers this month and had a great time throwing the color powder back and forth with her.  Emmy definitely seemed to have the most color on her but Bobby managed to get pretty colorful as well.  We did have to give a couple piggy back rides over the 5K course but all in all they did most of the walking (we also had to walk over a mile one way to where we parked).  The kids were pretty tired when we were finished but they had a great time.  At the beginning of the race Bobby ran into his daycare friend Thomas (and his mom) and they ran the race with us which was fun.  Emmy found one of her school friends as well and they held hands as they crossed the line.  Bobby held my hand and we "ran it in" to finish out the race.  Then we all went to get frozen yogurt and finally home to wash up.  Emmy saw a lady with a color dash shirt who was covered in color at the frozen yogurt shop and she grabbed Bobby's hand and went up to the lady and told her, "Hi, we ran in the color race too!"  It was very sweet to watch her be so friendly....but only if she could bring Bobby along too as her security blanket.

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