Friday, June 5, 2015

Last day of Kindergarten and Mommy and Bobby's special fun day

Emmy enjoyed her last day of Kindergarten yesterday and then Grandma picked her and Mason up to go to the ranch.  Since she was getting to do something really fun I decided that it was time for a Mommy and Bobby special day!  I let Bobby decide what we were going to do.  He first wanted to go to get a toy so we headed to the dollar store where I let him choose whatever he want.  We were at this store for about 30 minutes and he had a hard time making up his mind.  He must have picked up 10 different items and when I'd ask him, "Is that the one you want?" he would say, "No, just kidding" and then go and grab something different.  After trying out squirt guys, plastic snakes and other items he decided on a doctor kit with plastic doctor tools.  Then we headed to Orange leaf and had some frozen yogurt.  Finally we headed to the indoor playground since it was raining and then put all my quarters into the machines there so Bobby could have some rides.  He fell asleep on the ride home and I think that means that he had a great time on Mommy and Bobby's special day.  Later last night when we were cuddling on the couch I put my arm around him and when I did he said to me, "It's just you and me mom!"  He also gave me lots of kisses and even told me yesterday that I was the most beautiful of all the moms there are in the world.  He is very sweet to me and he also says the funniest things.  He actually talks a lot....even more than Emmy does.  When I asked him the other day if he ever stops talking he told me that the trick is to turn his brain off and then he showed me where the switch was behind his ear.  We had a fun time turning his brain on and off with the switch after that.  He also shares his deep thoughts with me.  A couple days ago he out of nowhere on the ride to Emmy's Tball game - "Mom, humans shouldn't poop outside, only cows can do that."  Not sure what to say to that piece of wisdom!

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