Monday, June 8, 2015

While Dad was in Vegas, we had lots of fun!

Robb was with his buddies in Vegas these past days and so the kids and I enjoyed the carnival, face painting at Bismarket and swimming amongst other things.  Emmy slept with me (although I didn't get much sleep).  They can ride most of the rides by themselves and I tried so hard not to laugh as Bobby blazed through the mirror maze almost giving himself a head injury.  He would go head first into the mirrors and was often tricked as he ran full speed through the maze.  Finally the carnival worker gave him a tip and told him to put his arms out in front of him.  The man then told me his stomach hurts at the end of the day from watching kids go through that maze banging into the mirrors.  We enjoyed corn dogs for dinner and a caramel apple for desert that night.  Yesterday hit 80 degrees and so we have Steve, Kyla and their kids along with Grandma Launa and the Moldenhauer family all over to swim.  The kids had so much fun!  We miss our Robbie though and can't wait for him to come home today.

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