Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor day and other memories

 Robb stopped in to chat with Bobby's teacher the other day and Mrs. Vollmers spotted this:  Emmy reading a book about dolphins to Bobby.  It was so sweet she snapped a picture to send to me.  Emmy loves to read and Bobby loves to be read to.  A perfect pair!
 I saw this note Emmy had written......who knew our family was so important that Taylor Swift would want us to meet up?
 We went to the ranch over Labor Day weekend and brought our friends the Kotelnicki's (minus Josh who was working).  We watched the bullorama in the cold weather.  Bobby noted that the stubborn bull who would not get back into the corral was exhibiting some "Bull Drama!" as he called it.  The kids were pretty into the show but it was very cold outside.

 The kids enjoyed the parade in Almont and got a lot of candy.  The best part was the kids races where Emmy and Bobby are defending champs a few years now.  Each of their races had about 10-15 kids.  Emmy and Bobby came our ahead and won their races and were so excited.  Bobby told me he was thinking in his head, "I can DO this!"  They both ran hard and won 2$.  I was very proud and so were there dad and grandparents. 

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