Sunday, September 18, 2016

Deep thoughts by Bobby

Bobby makes us laugh multiple times per day.  He told his dad that he learned a good lesson over the weekend not by doing it but just something he knows  now:  "if you see someone bigger and stronger than you DO NOT kick him."  also he and I had a good conversation about what life will be like when I am a grandma.  He told me he can only visit me a few times because his kids may get bored.  I told him I'd take good care of his kids though so he should visit daily.  He then proceeded to quiz me:  "Will you let me kids drive?" "Will you let them leave the house?"  I answered no to these questions but then decided to mix it up and answer yes for his next question, "Will you let my kids jump out the window?"  I told him that sounded like fun for his kids so yes, I would.  He thought about that answer and then said, "OK I will just make parachutes for the kids so they can land safely."  Good plan.

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