Monday, September 19, 2016

Flu shots and the 2016 Bismarck Marathon

 Kids made it through flu shots.....barely.  Lots of tears and trauma and in the end Bobby decided it really wasn't bad at all.  Hope it goes better next time.  The only part they appreciated on the experience with the doctor's office was taking pictures next to their favorite dogs.

 Another Mini Marathon day in the books.  The kids really enjoyed themselves.  Bobby was VERY serious about his race but false started and ended up in a dead heat with a few other kids.  Emmy had to run in the 6-10 year old category.  She did really well and was in the top 5 finishers.  She worked hard and had a longer distance (200 m) this year to run.  They got their medals and Bobby also got a bloody nose and lip from rough plan pre race.  He found his friend Beckham and they took a picture together.  We love this event.
 The kids were able to cheer me on this year in the 5K.  I ran a 20 min 28 sec race and was the 1st place woman and 3rd place overall.  I won a jacket and a medal but more importantly I won some cheers and hugs from my favorite fans at the end of the race.  My women's team got first again as well and we won jackets and medals.  This year it was close as I ran an extra .65 miles off course due to a series of events and another team had two All American cross country runners from U Mary on their team.  We won by only 20 seconds!!  It was very close and so I am glad my team pulled it out.  I ran over 7 miles for the relay at a 7 minute pace and 2 days later my quads are still recovering....ouch!

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