Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fun times together

 Emmy and I enjoyed a girl's night.  We had dinner together at Panera then went to a U Mary volleyball game.  It was camper's night and they recognized Emmy and the other campers.  During the starting line up each volleyball player threw a volleyball out to the crowd.  The first girl up attempted to throw it to Emmy but it actually hit me square in the chest and I caught it (with some surprise)!  Emmy was beyond thrilled to get this signed volleyball and between the game, music, her recognition of the camp coaches, etc we had an amazingly fun night together.  I love hanging out with her, she is such a fun girl to be around.
 Grandparents day at school was a nice time for the kids.  We took grandma out to Starbucks before school started.
 Bobby had the best coach this year for soccer and the Eckert boys took a great picture.

 Mom and I took the kids to AppleFest.  There was a petting zoo and the kids went crazy in the small fenced in area that had goats, llamas, chickens, ducks, bunnies, a donkey......some other animals I wasn't sure how to identify.  They never wanted to leave (even though the whole thing kind of grossed me out).  We sanitized after they were done and played games and got treats.  It was a fun adventure.  The next morning we went to church where it was Emmy's turn to ring the bell.  We met up with Grandma Launa and the cousins who enjoyed Sunday School (Mason, Bobby, Emmy) and Cameron sat with us and asked very nicely if I would escort him up front for children's time.  I asked if I could drop him off and then come get him for story time and he told me no, I would need to sit with him up front.  He was so sweet, held my hand and prayed up front during out time up there.  He even thanked me....warmed my heart right up!

We had some dental check ups this week.  No cavities!!! That was a relief, the kids did enjoy getting their teeth shined up.

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