Sunday, October 10, 2010

I was a mess!

Mom thought I had more sidewalk chalk on me then on the driveway. I even managed to get some chalk on my cheek. I had chalk all over my clothes, my hands and my feet. Yes, you heard right - my feet! I had socks on, but the chalk somehow got through my socks and my feet were rainbow colored. There was a lot of washing before I was allowed in the house again. This was my second wash up of the day since I also found a lipstick of mom's and colored in my coloring book with it earlier today. When I color pictures I like to make sure I get some color on my face, hands, place is really safe. Mom was sad that one of her favorite lipsticks was now demolished - but she took some blame since she wondered (from the kitchen) why I was so content and quiet in the living room. She should know by now that means trouble!

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