Monday, July 18, 2011

Bobby is rolling, growing and Daddy and I are enjoying some cookies

Bobby can now roll both ways really well. He has been practicing for a few weeks now but he has gotten really good at it now! He ends up on his stomach and then hollers for help since he doesn't enjoy tummy time. He is also 95th percentile for height and weight now. He is wearing 12 month clothes! Mommy can't keep up with how fast he is growing but she is so far keeping up with his breast milk meals. We brought Bobby into the pool yesterday to swim with Mason, Aunt Stacy, daddy, mommy and me. He liked it but didn't swim as long as Mas and I did. He rode around in his boat. Mommy tried to get a picture but the camera fogged up as the heat index was 116 degrees. The temp was mid 90s but the humidity made the camera fog up which prevented pictures yesterday. Mommy did take a pic of Bobby when he was all ready to get in the pool.
Mommy did some cooking on Sunday and made special cookies with sprinkles in them for me! I loved these cookies and asked for them all day. I ended up getting 3 total out of mom and dad. I learned that if mommy says no I should ask my dad for a cookies to see if he says yes. He usually tells me that it is up to mom, but one of these days I will trick them. I would ask mommy......"just one more cookie, just one little cookie?" Mommy also made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dad and I know he had more than my 3....maybe closer to one dozen. Bobby is a baby so he can't have cookies.....poor guy.
This weekend I also asked mommy many times if she would please, "read my library books?" and she and daddy read them several times to me. I picked out some great books to read last week. I have also been really into my Bedtime bear Care Bear. I told daddy he is the "best care bear ever!" and when mommy put on my Care bear video I told her, "Oh mommy, I am SO excited to watch this Care Bear video!" I am very expressive in my requests for Care Bears. I always sleep with my Care bear and also the dollies that my Great Grandma Unterseher gave me for my birthday along with my two blankets. I have a pretty full crib.

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