Saturday, July 23, 2011

Library and groceries

Last night mom and dad went for dinner with some friends and my grandparents Eckert came to play with Bobby and me. I told grandma to make me a favorite snack that mommy always makes for me - mini pancakes with Sunbutter and some candy sprinkles on top. This is one of my top choices for snacks. Then I told grandpa to give me a bath. I tried to talk him into getting in the tub too but he declined. It is grandpa's birthday on Sunday and I wrote him and colored him a special card. When mommy told me to go get it I got a little confused and brought the take out menu to grandpa instead.

On the weekends mom and I like to do things, "Just us girls!" Today we went to the library to check out more books and then we went shopping (grocery shopping.) I love to point out things to mom that I think she should look at. I always remember that we must sanitize our cart with the wipes they provide at the store. I help mom do it before I hop in for my ride. Then I help her load and unload our cart. I put all the items on the belt as we check out. Later on Saturday dad played with me on the swingset. Then we all read the library books I picked out!

When I woke up from my nap today mommy and I went to Bobby's room to see if he was up from his nap. He was still sleeping but I whispered to him, "oh Bobby, I love you SO much!" Then I turned to mommy and said, "mommy, I really love my Bobby." I am always concerned about Bobby - I tell mommy and daddy, "Look, look Bobby rolled over!" and I tell mom and dad "Bobby is being so fussy" when Bobby cries. I also go get mom and dad when I hear him start fussing and I tell them,"You need to find out what is wrong with Bobby." Then I ask Bobby directly, "What's wrong Bobby?" The weekends pretty much revolve around me and Bobby.

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