Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dinner party at our house

Nick, Brandi and Cane Bear came over last night for a dinner party. My cousin Mason and Auntie Stacy also came over for dinner. Mason and I played pretty hard and even talked Auntie into taking us to the park, to my swingset and then over the Mason's house for a shower to wash off. Brandi made us dirt cake which consisted of pudding, whipped cream, oreos and gummi was good!! Mason had watermelon because he doesn't know what is good like I do. Nick and daddy have been good friends since high school and so I'm sure Cane and Bobby will be best friends too. Cane tried to take a bite out of Bobby's arm while we were taking pictures, but he doesn't really have any teeth yet so it turned out okay. While we were posing for pictures Bobby wasn't really looking up at the camera so being the great big sister I am I tried to get him to turn his face to the camera. Mommy said that I didn't really need to pose him but I was just trying to help out. It was a great night!

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